About Us

“Generations of Knowing Jesus...It’s What We're About”
Our mission is simple: "To know Jesus Christ and to make Christ known to all." Discovering God the Father and Creator through the beauty of creation, experiencing the Holy Spirit's renewing power through caring community, and receiving the life-giving good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is what makes camping ministry so impactful for every person in every generation. It's not new. We can't even take ownership of this. This goes back to the Apostle Paul. He wanted to "know" Jesus Christ (Philippians 3) and include everyone in the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. There were no boundaries--Paul made himself adaptable to meet the needs of all people with the good news (1 Corinthians 9). This is what drives us, too.
Everything we do--from camp programs to staff interaction to outreach and relationships--is done for the sake of knowing Jesus Christ. By "knowing" we do not mean just mental understanding or knowing a story or two about Jesus. Knowing is experience. Everyone who comes into contact with IOLBC will hopefully have a real experience of the Lord Jesus Christ through us and what we offer. Knowing is also a process. It's relational, and we hope and pray that those who come into contact with us will continue the journey of knowing Jesus alongside us for years to come.
This is, in fact, our legacy. Our camp has been around for over 90 years. Many people who set foot on our camp grounds become partners, friends, even family. We have seen generations of families continue to grow in faith and discipleship over many years, passing on faith to next generations. We look forward to future generations. We plan for it.
Whether it's through youth camps at our Ingham site, youth and family camps at Okoboji, Day Camps in partner congregations, weekend Recharges for youth, adult retreats, or through our BEYOND Ministries, we serve to pass on historic Christian faith and practice to strengthen in youth, families, and churches the witness to the wonderful, good news of Jesus Christ. To read more about these, click below.
Our Staff

& Directors

rodq@okoboji.org Rod came to serve as our Executive Director in the Summer of 2007. He is from eastern North Dakota, and he served 19 years as the Director of Ministries at Park River Bible Camp. He has studied with the American Camp Association to become a Certified Camp Director. Rod and his wife, Cryss, are the proud parents of two young girls. They consider it a privilege to partner in ministry with congregations and families to grow in faith and service to Jesus Christ.

Ingham Director

Ingham Director

dan@okoboji.org Dan is from Luverne, Minnesota. He began working during summer 2002 and joined the full-time staff the fall of 2005. Dan holds a degree in education. He and his wife, Allison, have been married since August 26, 2006. They also stay busy taking care of their two daughters and son! Dan’s favorite thing about working at camp is helping people understand that this whole “faith” thing, this “God” thing is so much more than a twice-a-week activity—it is living truly.

okoboji@okoboji.org Steve first started working at camp the summer of 1983, when he was a counselor. He earned an art degree with illustration emphasis and a drama minor from Weaver State in Utah. After the summer of 1985, Steve came on staff full time at the camp and has served in various capacities since then. In his spare time, Steve enjoys Beta testing for video games, experimenting with food (he’s an amateur chef!), and playing percussion in the worship band.

Maintenance Tim comes from Omaha, NE. He joined the Maintenance team this past June. He has three adult children Andrew, Amanda, and Zach. After staring at a computer screen for twenty plus years, he thought it was time for a change. In his spare time, his family and him built a house, built decks and have done remodeling. Tim also has been known to occasionally pick up a camera. Despite your circumstances, “God is Good”!!



registrar@okoboji.org Sara joined our team in the fall of 2016 as the Registrar. After spending a summer working at a Bible camp in North Dakota during her college years, Sara has always wanted to get back to the atmosphere of camp and so was excited to step into the role of registrar here at Ingham Okoboji. Stop in or call, she would love to visit with you about any of our programs or about her time living and studying in Scotland!

retreat@okoboji.org Chris joined the Ingham Okoboji staff in the summer of 2016 and has stayed with us to serve as part of the YMT for two years, and is now fulfilling the role of retreat coordinator. We look forward to seeing how God will use him to impact the lives of others through the ministry here at Ingham Okoboji!

bookkeeper@okoboji.org Cryss has served in this role since 2010. She has a degree from the U of M, and a certificate from LBI. Cryss stays busy outside of work chasing around their two daughters to different activities. She believes camp is a great place for people to step away from their lives and connect with God and other believers.

daycamp@okoboji.org Kristin is from the small town of Dunnell, Minnesota. She joined our summer staff as a counselor('10,'11), support('12), and a day camp leader('14) and in the Fall 2014 she joined our year round staff as the Day Camp Coordinator and a youth director in Emmetsburg, IA. Kristin loves working with a variety of ages and experiencing how God is working through their lives. She believes love is the most important thing you can give to someone.





Maintenance/ Housekeeping Assistant