The Quanbecks
Welcome from the Quanbecks
Hello, and thank you for visiting our web site!
These camps, like this web site, were built for you! In 1924, people began coming to this ministry to be refreshed in the beauty of God’s creation, the friendship of God’s people, the teaching from God’s word, and the moving of God’s Spirit. Sometimes this is through a brief visit, and sometimes for much longer periods. This web site describes some of the opportunities, and there are always more.
Come and join us! Everyone needs times of refreshment. We maintain these camps, lead our programs, and welcome you with every belief that God has blessings in store for you as you join us! Come as often as you can! May the Lord bless you, and bless us all as we seek to know and serve God.
If you’d like to visit more about these camps and this ministry, I’d love to visit. Come on over for a cup of coffee, or give me a call or email.
In Christ’s service and yours!
Rod Quanbeck, Executive Director