2024-2025 Dates/Game
Oct. 6th -Block Party/Kickball
Nov. 10th- Secret Agents
Dec. 8th- Christmas Mystery
Jan. 26th- Winter Games
Feb. 16th- Hoonting
Mar. 16th- Gargoyles
April 6th- Church vs. Church Dodgeball
April 27th- Capture the Flag
Outreach Nights
What are they?
An Outreach Night is an opportunity for those in your 6th through 12th grade youth groups and beyond to join with other youth of all denominations around the area to fellowship, grow in faith, and have fun together! They are a perfect opportunity for pastors, parents, and youth directors who are wondering how to provide engaging, faith-forming events for youth groups of any size at a low cost. With everything all planned out, the only thing you have to do is get here! Ideal for groups within an hour radius, Outreach Night provides a chance for great ecumenical fellowship for kids and adults. It is also a great opportunity to introduce kids to camp, who might later come to a weekend recharge or summer youth camp.
An evening of Outreach Night includes dinner, worship, a message, and of course games! Everyone is welcome.
The Invite!
We would love for you to join us—and bring your youth— for one or all of the Outreach events!
Who: 6th—12th graders, their youth leaders, and/or parents
Where: Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp (1203 Inwan St., Milford, IA, 51351)
When: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
How much: $5 per person to cover food costs
We ask that you R.S.V.P. by 4:00 PM the Thursday before the Outreach Night at the latest, so that we can prepare accordingly.
Hope to see you there!
Monthly Reminders
Postcards are sent each month as reminders of these events. If your church/youth group is not receiving these reminders, but would like to, please email Dan at dan@okoboji.org with your name, church name, and church address.
Any questions, call 712-337-3306 (ext. 119) or e-mail Dan at dan@okoboji.org