Summer Camps
Learn more about opportunities to relax, make memories, have fun, and grow in a deeper relationship with the Lord!

Year-Round Retreats
Learn more about opportunities to recharge your faith throughout the year:
And More

Personal Retreats
Camp is the perfect place to get away for some personal quiet time, or quality time with your family and friends surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation.This camp offers a great setting to host spiritual retreats such as; family reunions, church groups, class reunions, pastor’s retreats, or a weekend or week away from the busyness of life.

Upcoming Events
February 14-16
Whether you’ve been married many years or just one year, life happens. Things change. We change. Join us and take time to laugh, remember, and re-vision your marriage together. Enjoy a wonderful weekend with a banquet dinner, evening entertainment, free couples photo shoot, and great sessions.
Crafting Retreat
April 11-13, 6th-9th Grade
Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp
April 11-13, 9th-12th Grade
Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp
April 25-27, 6th-9th Grade
Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp
At the “Alpha and Omega” recharge, campers will dig into an overview of the Bible, God’s story from beginning to end, to see one unified story that points to Jesus. Recharges are also PACKED with fun, skits, campfires, games, fellowship, and growing in faith.
May 2-4
Set aside some time just for you to do what makes you happy. Fill up your car with all the materials and tools you need and come to camp for a weekend of creativity, relaxation and spiritual growth. Also enjoy delicious food, soothing massages and great people as you unwind from your busy life and have some ME time!